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Strengthening Reporting and Advocacy Capacities of Jordanian CSOs and National Institution: Preparation towards the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2024​

Strengthening Reporting and Advocacy Capacities of Jordanian CSOs and National Institution:

Preparation towards the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2024


This project, which is implemented in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Amman, aims to strengthen reporting and advocacy capacities of Jordanian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and National Institutions and technically support them to write separate and joint shadow reports that align with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) standards for 2024. The action aims also to start the consultation process at the national level with CSOs and government stakeholders in particular the government coordination team for human rights and the Permanent Human Rights Committee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to discuss national coordination mechanisms for the preparation of the National Report for the fourth cycle of UPR in 2023.

The action, which is implemented over 7 months (May-November 2022), has two specific objectives:

  1. Enhance capacities of 20 CSOs and 5 National Institutions and support them technically to write shadow reports that align with the international human rights reporting standards.
  2. To begin the national advocacy efforts for the 4th cycle of UPR in 2023 with CSOs, National Institutions, government’s coordinator team for human rights and the Permanent Human Rights Committee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and strengthen national coordination mechanisms among stakeholders to advancing Jordan’s obligations to the fourth cycle of UPR in 2023 including preparing the National Report.

This project has the following strategies and activities:

  • Coordination with stakeholders: this will include coordination with active CSOs, National Institutions, and government coordinator’s team for human rights.
  • Selection of CSOs for capacity building training: CDFJ will reach out to 30 CSOs working on different human rights issues, and will select 20 CSOs to enhance their technical capacities to write individual or/and joint shadow reports for the fourth cycle of the UPR which will be held in 2023. Two 3-day workshops will be designed to be attended by 40 CSOs staff, 2 from each CSOs, 20 participants for each workshop, particularly staff whom are in charge of monitoring human rights and advocacy activities will be invited to attend the capacity building workshops.
  • Capacity building for National Institutions: 5 National Institutions will be selected to enhance their technical capacities in writing their individual national reports for the 4th cycle of UPR in 2023. 15 staff from the 5 National Institutions, 3 from each, will be invited to attend 3-day capacity building workshop.
  • Begin the process for building the National Civil Coalition for the fourth cycle of UPR in 2023: this will include inviting a number of active CSOs, probably 10-15 CSOs, for a preparatory committee meeting. This meeting aims to elect an Executive Committee to follow up on the formation of the National Civil Coalition. The Executive Committee will be in charge to start the coordination and consultation process with CSOs to prepare for the formation of the coalition.
  • Organize a forum to form the National Civil Coalition for the UPR 2023: 40-50 CSOs will be invited to this forum, which will result in forming the National Civil Coalition for the UPR 2023, and determining the coordination mechanisms of the Coalition. During the forum, a media conference will be held to announce the formation of the National Civil Coalition.
  • Based on the results of the forum, a national consultant will be assigned to develop the Coalition’s documents and working mechanisms.
  • Begin the advocacy and consultation process at the national level: this will include organizing a consultation and advocacy meeting between the Jordanian National Civil Coalition, National Institutions and other CSOs, the government coordinator team for human rights and the Permanent Human Rights Committee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop a joint action plan.
  • Organize a 2-day advocacy meeting with government stakeholders: this meeting aims to discuss the joint working mechanisms, and the process for the preparation of the national report for the fourth UPR cycle in 2023.
  • Launching a digital and social media campaign that aims to advance Jordan’s obligations to the UPR cycle 2023.